Wednesday, April 17, 2013

GLAM UP an Old Mirror

So this weekend I finally took on a DIY project that I have been wanting to do for some time now, well I guess it is more of a revamping!
I have had this mirror for around 6 years, I bought it from Ikea back when I lived in NYC. It has surprisingly lasted very well and made several moves with me from NY to Dallas, to Austin and now San Antonio! Very much worth the $100 I spent back in 2006 or 2007? (I can't even remember!)

After and Before
You can see that it was a wood color before, I was over the color and it no longer matched with my bedroom. It is the perfect size for the location it is in and I use it everyday while getting dressed, so I defiantly did not want to get rid of it. So I just Glammed it Up!!

I knew I wanted it to be silver, but once I got to Home Depot I did not realize how many different kinds of silver there are, I went with a lighter one so that it would coordinate with my accent pillows. (you will see below)

This is what I used to spray paint it, I found this brand on Pinterest. I liked it because I was looking for something that I did not have to do any sanding or priming, this has the primer built in. Plus it was only around $8!!
I started with taping around the edge of the wood so that I did not get it on the mirror, I would actually advise to tape the whole mirror because I did still get some on the mirror, luckily I was able to remove it right away with Windex and a brillo sponge .
I also used gloves and a tarp, I live in an apartment but I have a balcony, that is where I did the spray painting. I wanted to hang a tarp up so that I did not damage any of the outside walls. 

I was VERY HAPPY with my final outcome, it really helps to complete the feel I am going for in my bedroom and was so EASY as well as Inexpensive!!  Next, I want to glam up a dresser that I bought at the same time that matches the mirror, so stay tuned!!


1 comment:

  1. Wow that really is all glamed up! Love love the mirror took on a whole new feel and goes perfectly with the bedroom scheme! Great job!!!
