Friday, April 19, 2013

Mix it Up!

Today I wanted to Mix it Up, with my prints that is! I decided to pair a leopard print cardi with a stripe top and finish it with some cobalt blue haram pants.  I love mixing prints, it is a great way to update your look, the key is to make sure that sizing and scale of the prints do not fight each other. If you have a large print it is best to be paired with a smaller print. Stripes are great because they can pretty much go with any other print, regardless of size a scale. However, if you want to pair two stripes together you will have to again consider size and scale.
Now to really give my look the finishing touch, I went with my nude studded loafer (which have become a staple in my wardrobe) and  I add some fabulous jewelry I picked up yesterday at a trunk show for Carinos-by Eydee, she has some really great jewelry. I picked up the necklace, door knocker cuff and nail bangle from her. You have to check her out on facebook (Carinos-by Eydee) that is where you can contact her if you are interested in her pieces or if you are in the San Antonio area and want to talk to her about possibly booking a show!!
Take this weekend to look in your closet and see what prints you can mix for a fresh new look!

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